Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Tattoos

I have two wings on my back and roses on my stomach. The 3 all together have a lot of meaning to me and tell a story all in their own way. I have no regrets getting these tattoos which have all the meaning in the world to me. I'm very lucky to still have my life today and all the times that I could have lost it, God was with me so my wings on my back are a big representation of God being there for me and blessing me. My roses on my stomach are representing healing. I always gave my loved one roses for happiness or healing so I decided to present myself with roses to do that. 


  1. your wing tatts are beautttiful <3 i would do that if i wasent such a wuss when it comes to needles lol

  2. yayyyyyy im so glad u got a blog hun
    i lovee your videos but dont have a
    utube account i can finally comment w0ot
    ur gorjuzzzzzzz and we got the same name
    so double bonus =p take care hun =D

  3. your tattoos are awesome! unlike you - i kinda regret going to the person that i did; i mean his profile was awesome but when i got there... the finish result was what i've expected. don't know if i should get it covered up b/c it's black ink - or lasered. ARUGH. haha. overall, my tattoo has meaning just the design wasn't what i wanted. too nice to say something. my fault on that. :(
